3.1 Witnesses

Comments from witnesses

(See Appendix B in the book Eminent Discovery for complete statements from the witnesses below.)

10, Chadron Pk, men coming down from object

“Alright, I’ve just talked to John about what I saw, and what we recalled at Chadron Park, on the first part of this tape. And now John has taken some sketches, which he never showed me before. He showed me the sketch of what he recalled (at Chadron Park), and basically it’s the same thing I recalled. And it wasn’t because I saw the sketches ahead of time; I saw the sketches after we talked this over. Now I’m looking at the sketch, right now, and it’s the same thing that I recall. Now, he includes some figures in the sketches, which might have been there that I didn’t recall, because I stared, all the time, up at whatever was in the air…I wasn’t paying much attention to what was going on on the ground, and I know there were some other children there that had run around and stuff, and some people around…But basically the sketch is what I recalled and I told John about this before he showed me the sketch. So that’s pretty good verification so far as we seeing the same thing.”  ————————————————————————————— Bob Collingsworth (pseudoname), witness of a “Chadron State Park encounter. (Actually, Bob picked this drawing out from a stack of 30 or 50 while I was out of the room. Bob’s full account of this Chadron State Park encounter is in Appendix B” of the book Eminent Discovery.)

6, Dillion Lk, kids and craft out over lake

“And once I started really trying to recall what really went on, I remembered seeing some shapes out in the water. Ah. All I could see was, like, the dark area – no detail I don’t remember. But I remember two shapes. One of them was kind of flat and long. And I do remember seeing something that looked like headlights on the flat long shape. And I remember seeing a tall rectangular type shape. And I remember yelling at my sister to come down and hurry to see what was going on out here, or else she was going to miss it.” —   “I remember my brother and I being out over the water, and I remember us laughing. It was a free-fall feeling. And I remember looking down at the water and I remember the feeling of turning somersaults. You know, airless. And we were having a really good time, my brother and I. And I remember a voice telling us we had to come back. And I remember, maybe like three times in a row, this voice telling us we had to come back.” ———————————— Karen Beaman, youngest daughter concerning the sighting of UFO craft and a shared “out-of-body experience” with her brother and John out over the water during our lengthy 1975 family UFO encounter at Dillon Lake in Colorado.   (Karen’s full account of this Dillon Lake encounter and other sightings is in “Appendix B” of the book Eminent Discovery.)

6, Dillion Lk c.g, craft over sm tent

“And later one night, what I thought was a helicopter came in and shot a spotlight on our – actually first shot a spotlight down in the hollow. It moved around the whole clearing, as if it were looking for something. And there was a little blue pup tent down there. We hadn’t seen anybody, but there was this little tent down there and we saw the spotlight shining down on it – like we thought maybe they were looking for an ex-con or something. And the light stopped on the blue tent. It was up there above the trees.
And then, it came back up the hill to the campground. And I remember getting butterflies in my stomach or something. And it just hovered over our camping spot. And I remember being really afraid, looking around to see where you were. And a light was shining down and there was a voice coming out of it.
And I can’t remember what they said. But, as I was thinking about it later, I realized there was not wind, there was no helicopter noise. I don’t remember any kind of noise or anything, but I remember the voice – it was a man’s voice, kind of a deep man’s voice. And he was talking directly at us, like having conversation with us, which we thought was kind of weird. And we thought it was a helicopter, some kind of helicopter, and he was talking with dad.
I don’t remember anything about what it said. I think it was asking questions, about something – that’s all I remember. The weirdest thing about it is that I don’t remember anything blowing around or any helicopter noise, you know, roaring or anything like that. The voice sounded really close and clear.
And I wish I could remember what it said, but I can’t. I felt like I was just terrified. But I was confident, because I thought you had it under control; you were talking to it. I remember it was all very polite, or, kind of business-like. You know you were talking to them, making them accountable for why they were shining their light into our campground. The voice had a lot of authority to it. And he wasn’t talking mean or harsh or commanding or anything like that.
The feeling that I had was that he was just gathering information. I was watching you to see how you were reacting and you were very calm. You were on guard. You were calm and you had a smile on your face part of the time. You were talking with just as much authority with the guy in the – whatever it was. I mean I thought you were talking with him as a peer, you know”   — “And I remember seeing the fog.”  — Kindra Foster, oldest daughter, concerning the sighting of  a brilliant UFO craft and she and I speaking with “the voice” coming from the craft during our lengthy 1975 family UFO encounter at Dillon Lake in Colorado. (Kindra’s full account of this Dillon Lake encounter and other sightings is in Appendix B” of the bookEminent Discovery. Kindra also recalls seeing a mysterious blue haze or fog develop behind the old cottage of our old farmstead. The manifestation disappeared somewhat gradually just as it had appeared. She and I walked over to the exact location but, as we can recall, there were no other mysterious activities that occurred.)

6, Dillon Lk c.g, walking toward booth

“What I saw, you know, thinking about it and visualizing it, there was a line of guys, little guys – I want to say, four feet tall – They’re going out to the woods, toward the lake – I don’t know how far in the woods they’re going, because I can’t see them after they go into the woods. They’re going into the woods and they’re (each) carrying some sort of box. It’s a box, I don’t know, about two feet wide, by a foot high, a foot deep. And I don’t know what it is. — They’re coming back from wherever they’re going to the ship.
…The figures themselves… Also, one of them walked toward me. … As I’m sitting there behind a tree, there seems to be like a leader. He’s standing, pretty much, right underneath the craft – just kind of standing there watching everything going on. And, he knew I was there. He just turned, he turned and looked right over in the area I was and just started walking toward me. And this is really where I don’t know what happened; I knew he knew I was there. I stand up. I walk right toward the edge of the open area and trees. And I meet him. …That’s definitely something I wouldn’t do. I think I would have just kept hiding until he found me. But, picturing it, I actually walked over there.
And , again, I don’t know if I’m just making this up, or —. …I walk over to him and he holds his hands out and I really don’t know what I do. I’m standing there face to face…within a foot. I don’t think we’re communicating. Except, sitting here thinking about it, I’ve got a feeling he knows what I’m thinking. He knows I’m scared. And he holds his hands out, like waste high. And I don’t know if he’s giving me anything. And from there, I don’t know what happened after that.” —————————————————- Bradley Foster, son, concerning the sighting of Ets and a strange craft while he was alone during our lengthy 1975 family UFO encounter at Dillon Lake in Colorado. (Brad’s full account of this Dillon Lake encounter is inAppendix B” of the book Eminent Discovery.)

“…After being hypnotized by  Dr Jones, he and John told me that I had admitted, during the session, that I had experienced UFO encounters, but I stated that I didn’t want to talk about it. This didn’t really surprise me, because John had already told me that I was present during many encounters.”    At the US Forest Wilderness just west of Chadron State Park in Nebraska — mid-day: …”As I sat there, absorbing the healing powers of the sun, in a split instant, I saw a bright, white half circle appear off to my west. It then disappeared nearly as quickly as it had appeared. Yet, I knew it was real and that I had witnessed a classic ‘sighting.’ There was no other explanation. You really don’t know how real it is until you experience it.”     “…We also saw a very strange light that night, through the back window of John’s old van.”     “…It’s also worthwhile noting that I saw a mysterious gray fog materialize in a room of UFO experiencers (John among them) who were relating their stories to a concerned audience. At least one other person also saw it.”  —————————-Annie Foster John’s wife and fellow traveler – See “Appendix A” in the book Eminent Discovery for complete statements of Annie’s accounts concerning John’s story.   [I(John) also saw the mysterious gray fog (a small cloud) manifest a little over head high that night while a Native American was speaking. It moved from the north center of the room to the west center.]

“I don’t know what they were, but those lights definitely didn’t belong in that tree down by the Blue River.”  ——————————————————————- Leon, one of John’s high school classmates, concerning an extensive UFO encounter at a cabin and lake near the Blue river on New Years Eve, 1954. (Shortly after the encounters, and many years later several others also have told John they recalled mysterious lights several to many times when they were attending Northeast High School in Lincoln, Ne during the 1950s.)

Corroborating information establishing, to some extent, that the 1950 summertime “Bethany Grade School Playground Encounter” actually did occur:      ……….After recalling most details related to this encounter in 1986, John telephoned an old friend who’s family house was south-center of the playground across Holdredge Street during their school years. As they discussed the possibility that the friend might have been present during the encounter, the friend said he didn’t recall the encounter, but he said that a friend had told his family that year that a strange light was seen near and over their house when they were away. He emphasized that the friend said the light was very weird. He also stated that he saw a very mysterious light travel from West to East a few feet over the length of the playground after he began to walk across it after school one evening during that same period.       …………In addition, when John began meeting with a UFO support group in Lincoln during the early 1990s, a lady from Iowa arrived at one of the meetings and related a story about a time or times when she also encountered UFOs at one or more movies that were held in the evenings in the summertime during the same period as The Bethany Grade School Playground Encounter. The Bethany Grade School Playground Encounter is described in Chapter 2 of the book Eminent Discovery. It is interesting that John has met many people in Eastern Nebraska who also had experienced or were experiencing so-called UFO encounters.     ………..In addition to this, the year after the 1950 Bethany Grade School Playground Encounter, a friend and John were hanging out at the friend’s house at Cotner Boulevard and Madison Streets. As they stood in the middle of Madison Street, they saw what seemed to be more than one windowed saucer or more than one of the small discs fly over the house located on the south side of the street. One of the craft flew west. John followed it and he saw it  hover near some other houses at 65th and Madison Streets. When John returned to his friends house, his friend said he had seen the same craft the summer before at a Bethany Grade School Playground movie. John then, temporarily, recalled the same encounter and told his friend. However, his friend got extremely angry and thought John was lying just so John could be as important as he. They later saw a small booth develop next to his friend’s garage and his friend insisted that John talk to his friend’s mother because his friend began to think it was all Satanic. His friend’s mother spent some time trying to convince John that he should change his ways, etc, so that he would not attract the evil happenings. John didn’t believe that the crafts were evil and didn’t hold a grudge because he thought his friend’s mother was a kind individual. This friend was present during many shorter sightings and some of the more lengthy time travels. John knew his friend’s wife and asked her years ago if John’s friend recalled any UFO activity when they were young and she said he didn’t.

Additional corroborating information supporting John’s encounters:     …….One particularly interesting and verifying occurrence happened when John  and his wife were separated in the early 1990s. John loaned his apartment to a young Native American family while they were conducting sweat lodges in eastern Nebraska. John invited the father to look at his various UFO drawings while they were there. When John returned to check on them later, the father went in another room and brought back a drawing of “the windowed saucer.” He then told John that it was the same thing that he saw when he was experiencing his “vision quest” on Bear Butte in South Dakota. Bear Butte is the North American and South American Native Americans’ Holy of Holies. He said it was spinning so fast, he couldn’t see the windows. He thought that it was a spinning Medicine Wheel. (An article with more details will be included in The Blue River Blog.)

There is a significant volume of additional corroborating information that support John’s story…for example information that has been offered to John by a few relatives who recall mysterious lights that were seen on an aunt and uncle’s farm near Imperial, Nebraska where John recalls numerous UFO encounters occurring when he worked there in 1952, etc. Also, other corroborating information support John’s memories in various ways, sometimes in detail. Furthermore similarities of mysterious encounters in history and encounters reported in more modern times by other so-called “contactees” substantiate John’s descriptions of what occurred at times during the entire 46+ years of his experiences. Before his 1986/1987 “flood of recollections,” John was not aware of most of the historic evidence supporting his encounters. Neither was he aware of much of the more modern evidence that later supported his memories.

An additional sighting that occurred well after John’s 1986-1987 “flood of recollections:     ………Sometime in the late 1990s Kindra Foster (John and Ann’s oldest daughter) visited them in Lincoln. As she got out of her car (that was parked on the driveway) she saw what appeared to be strange craft flying over the house and garage. After she entered the house and told the others about it, John told them if they all went out, if the craft were UFOs, they might fly by again. (John did not know how he knew that.)  The others didn’t want to go out, so she and John went out and witnessed the strange craft fly over the house again. Kindra saw a flight of a few craft (possibly 4 or 5) fly north to south over the drive and garage while standing in the drive south of the van, while John saw one craft fly north to south over the west side yard while standing on the patio just south of the back porch. He didn’t take his eyes off of it even for a second. John’s craft seemed to be a simple wing flying without a fuselage in haze or fog.  John supports most of her observations that are written below. It is obvious from John and Kindra’s observations that the craft were moving significantly too slow to  be airplanes.   Also, there wasn’t enough time that passed between Kindra’s first sighting and the second sighting (witnessed by the two of them) for airplanes to turn around and fly the same flight path…and it seems unlikely there were two sets of aircraft, especially because of the timing.

Kindras account of the UFOs flying over the Foster house….late 1990s — written  on 11-21-17:     “I drove from our home in Omaha to my mom and dad’s house in Lincoln. When I arrived, I believe it was a fall evening about an hour before dusk. I pulled up into their driveway on the east side of the house, positioning my car behind their van, which was parked very close to the closed door of the garage. As I pulled up behind the van, I looked up at the sky through my windshield. I saw three aircraft flying south — they had come from behind me. The sky was light, but I believe it was slightly overcast. They were in a loose triangular formation, and it looked as though they were not that high in the sky. I gathered my things, exited the driver’s door of my car, and began walking along the east side of my car toward the van. I kept watching the aircraft as I crossed behind the van and stepped onto the patio. I’d say the craft were not as high as jet airplanes, but not as low as you would see a small-engine plane flying. Each of the aircraft was an elongated triangle, medium gray against the light gray sky, with no distinguishing characteristics apparent. That seemed strange. When you see a commercial airliner at about that height in the sky, you can usually see some variation in color and at least a hint of windows. These craft did not make any noise that I remember, and it didn’t seem as though they were flying as fast as they should be. It was almost as if they were floating while still moving in a southerly direction. The aircraft and their formation were remarkably different enough from what I thought airplanes should look like and behave that I quickly ran into the house and called for my parents to come out and look. They both came out, and the craft were still there moving toward the horizon of the garage roof. We watched for another 15-30 seconds as they slowly moved south, and then they were gone past the edge of the roof.

I have no idea how long they were in feet, but they were larger than a jet plane. They were elongated triangles, with the front to back width of the craft about 1/3 of the length. The flight pattern was smooth. I don’t remember any interruption in the flight path. I don’t remember perceiving any sense of thickness from top to bottom. We were just looking at the bottoms of the craft.

I was thinking it was only one flight, but now I do remember two groups. They both looked the same, I think.