3. Comments from others concerning John Foster’s story:

……………3-2-16……Brief comments:

(See extended comments below and on the “Home Page Overview of John’s story.”)

Bob Teets:……….“To say that John Foster encountered the Great Mystery throughout most of his life is a gross understatement.”  “…this 75-year-old retired engineer is going to rock your world.”   “…It was truly the start of an adrenaline rush that would propel me through several years of UFO research and interviews with some 3,000 ‘experiencers’ all over the country. None would be so intriguing, so absolutely riveting, bizarre, far-out, instructive, challenging and representative of the entire UFO phenomenon as John Foster’s incredible story, though.”   

Steve Snodgrass:…………“The ridicule factor is alive and well in both UFOlogy and the skeptics point of view. But nowhere will you find such extraordinary experiences written from the perspective of a reasonable person who is so careful to think on both sides.” 

Milkes:………..Concerning the book To Earth From Heaven — “Astounding!!!  John Foster’s experiences and his conclusions are a must read for anybody whose interested in UFOs, spirituality, metaphysics, and the development of the human species and the universe.”    

Fowler Jones, PhD:………..“The story of John Foster is a remarkable one.” “In the years that I’ve know John, I have not found him to be delusional or to have psychotic episodes.” 

R. Leo Sprinkle, PhD:…………“The books can be viewed as a journal of many UFO experiences; as an autobiographical account of a UFO contactee; and as a commentary on the personal and transpersonal aspects of  UFO activity” “………His discovery is a lesson to us all; his commitment to self understanding, and his compassion for others who are experiencing UFO encounters, is an inspiration to us all.
I invite the reader to join John Foster on his journey–and our journey–of Eminent Discovery.” 

Wendy of Wendy’s Coffee House……….”John Foster’s detailed memories of his experience span decades and reveal just how extensive and clandestine this anomalous presence in our society can be. While some are allowed to retain memories of the events, others are clearly prohibited to ensure select projects proceed in the manner they are intended.”

************Extended Comments:

(See full contributions of others in Appendix A of the book Eminent Discovery.)

Throughout the past 29 years, John has been questioned and evaluated by numerous professionals in various fields, including but not limited to the following renown personalities.

“The story of John Foster is a remarkable one.” “In the years that I’ve know John, I have not found him to be delusional or to have psychotic episodes.” “In the course of my career as a psychologist, John Foster’s story of his interface with anomalous phenomena (UFOs) is one of the most interesting that I’ve followed. It is also quite consistent. In the eleven years that I’ve known John, I have heard him speak to selected audiences and I have asked him to review many of his experiences. His retelling of the many incidents have not deviated from the first times that I heard them.”  —————— Fowler Jones, PhD, former Psychologist for the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City, renown psychologist now in private practice and Director of The Psychic Studies Institute…also Board of Directors of “The Monroe Institute.” Fowler has written “The Psychological Opinion” in the book Eminent Discovery.

“The books can be viewed as a journal of many UFO experiences; as an autobiographical account of a UFO contactee; and as a commentary on the personal and transpersonal aspects of  UFO activity” “…I do know that John has shown courage and determination in sharing with us his doubts and anxieties, his joys and successes, and his view about the possible significance of UFO experiences. His discovery is a lesson to us all; his commitment to self understanding, and his compassion for others who are experiencing UFO encounters, is an inspiration to us all.
I invite the reader to join John Foster on his journey–and our journey–of Eminent Discovery.” ——————————————————————————— R. Leo Sprinkle, PhD, Professor Emerius Director and Chair of Counseling Services University of Wyoming, renown psychologist now in private practice, UFO researcher and founder of “UFO contactee studies” since the 1950s. Leo has written the “Foreword” in the book Eminent Discovery.

 “To say that John Foster encountered the Great Mystery throughout most of his life is a gross understatement.”  “…this 75-year-old retired engineer is going to rock your world.”————– Bob Teets – best selling author, investigative journalist, researcher, editor, publisher – former representative of the Human Potential Foundation. Bob has written an opinion/contribution in “Appendix A” in the book Eminent Discovery.

“…It was truly the start of an adrenaline rush that would propel me through several years of UFO research and interviews with some 3,000 ‘experiencers’ all over the country. None would be so intriguing, so absolutely riveting, bizarre, far-out, instructive, challenging and representative of the entire UFO phenomenon as John Foster’s incredible story, though.” —————— Bob Teets

“…though I interviewed hundreds of UFO experiencers during the few years of the (Human Potential) Foundation’s existence and later, no one came close, not within a mile, of the mind-blowing, enigmatic, utter fantastic, incredible narrative of this humble man from Lincoln, Nebraska. His is the ultimate UFO story and, like the phenomenon itself, it is next to impossible to wrap your head around it.” “Few researchers are willing to tackle John Foster, for he defies categories, eschews classifications, turns their theories upside down.” —————————————————————————————– Bob Teets

“I am occasionally asked for advice about UFOs, though not often anymore, and I always point the questioner to your site. I sure wish to encourage you to keep writing and sharing. You stand head and shoulders above all others.”   ————————————————————————————–Bob Teets

“Let me say this…I began with Eminent Discovery, and even though you declare it a ‘report’ it kept me up way past my bedtime last night. I’m drawn in by the information…it’s compelling and sincere.”     “…I believe both presentations (Eminent Discovery and To Earth From Heaven) were compiled with taste and variety. I thoroughly enjoyed both.”————————————  Donna Henriksen, PhD – researcher, Professor Emeritus English and Rhetoric Ball State University. Donna has written an opinion/contribution in “Appendix A” in the book Eminent Discovery.

“Believe me, this is one of the most important stories that UFO experiencers have to offer – I think he was inspired to write To Earth From Heaven for our benefit, for the benefit of all truth seekers.” ———————————————-  Donald Ware, MS – fighter pilot, scientist, nuclear engineer, teacher, birder, researcher, former regional Director of MUFON, board of directors of the International UFO Congress Convention. Don has written an opinion/contribution in “Appendix A” in the book Eminent Discovery.

 “This is a work that had to be done and John Foster is the one doing it.”    “John, I think you have the most remarkable set of drawings. Your posting looks great. I think you have a fantastic story and would like to see it get a lot more attention.” ————————————————————————————– Wendell Stevens– renowned UFO researcher since the 1940s, author and World-wide lecturer, Board of Directors of the International UFO Congress Convention, former military officer. Wendell is now deceased, but has written an opinion/contribution in “Appendix A” in the book Eminent Discovery.

“John’s story …serves as an inspiration to the many millions of persons around the World who have lived with the constant knowledge that they too are somehow connected to the mysterious beings who travel in the amazing vehicles we call UFOs.” ——————————————————————————  Francisco J. (Joe) Lewels, PhD – independent researcher & free lance writer, distinguished pilot, editor, publisher, author of the landmark book, The God Hypothesis…all with many honors. Joe has written an opinion/contribution in “Appendix A” in the book Eminent Discovery.

Concerning the book, Eminent Discovery“An engineer and methodical, reasonable thinker encounters unbelievable and extraordinary experiences of UFO and extraterrestrial contact. Worth every penny from cover to cover. From the simple glimpses of the odd and unusual to what Foster describes as ‘complex experiences’ which is an understatement. You get it ALL in this heartfelt and thought-felt book. The ridicule factor is alive and well in both UFOlogy and the skeptics point of view. But nowhere will you find such extraordinary experiences written from the perspective of a reasonable person who is so careful to think on both sides.”    “Foster recounts experiences as both an observer and participant and is careful to let you know exactly what are the objective sides of the story (some of which are corroborated by witnesses) and the subjective side, i.e. what are his suppositions, impressions, guesses, etc. This is a rare treatment on the subject of UFOs and alien encounters. It will leave you pondering the plasticity of the human mind, trying to discern what is an altered state of consciousness, what is ‘real’ and what seems to be an amalgam of both. There is pure motive for truth and understanding in this book. Highly recommend.” ——————————————————————————————– Steve Snodgrass, prominent UFO researcher, primary MUFON type investigator of John’s story, mental health practitioner, author of papers advancing the investigation of UFO phenomenon to a new level.

Concerning the book To Earth From Heaven“Imagine you’ve been overwhelmed with direct phenomenological experiences of UFOs, extraterrestrials, religious and Native American spirituality that scientists, psychologists and mythologists cannot explain…experiences that seem to suggest an extraordinary reality underlying everything you have come to know and believe as ‘truth.’ In other words imagine your world, as postmodern philosophers have tried to suggest, has become completely deconstructed. No one has the answers. And those who do try to explain it simply reject the entirety of your story as fantasy and too impossible to imagine. How can you piece together a glimpse into discovering what these intricately complex UFO/Extraterrestrial experiences mean and what they might have to do with the nature of physical reality and consciousness itself?”     “John Foster does just that in this book. He will touch base with some of his complex experiences, and then journey into philosophical inquiry to imagine how in the world what he experiences can make sense. This is not a book of instruction. It is a book of questions, of inquiry, and hypothesis to describe things most people would rather sit back and avoid. In other words, you can take the ‘red pill’ and remain content in the reality you’ve constructed and have been conditioned to see. Or you can buy this book and take the ‘blue pill’ and see a universe much more like the matrix than you are afraid to admit. Have courage. John Foster has plenty of it.”Steve Snodgrass

 “It was early in 1986 when our lives began to unravel, through his recollection of the Bethany Grade School playground encounter. And in the fall of 1986, John not so calmly told me of his on-going memories of an enormous number of experiences that had occurred throughout his life. I couldn’t understand how it could all be true, but I knew John was honest and not imaginative. Because I knew John didn’t lie, if he said it was true, I knew it must be true. If he says it’s real, it is real.”—————————————- Annie Foster, John’s wife and fellow traveler. Annie has written an opinion/contribution in “Appendix A” in the book Eminent Discovery.

Concerning Eminent Discovery Illustration Picture Book — “Beautifully illustrated with hand drawn pictures of the abducted artist author. Very easy read. It’s a companion volume for the text story but complete enough to have a general understanding of this abductee’s experience.” ———————– Fernando Abruna

Concerning the book To Earth From Heaven — “The author provides detailed versions of his memories. I did not have the patience to get to the bottom lines. I have heard him speak in person, along with his family members. I believe he is truthful.”  ———————— Linda Kress

Concerning Eminent Discovery Illustration Picture Book —  “Eclectic and penetrating personal examination of a very complex phenomenon. The exceptional illustrations really helped add another dimension of strangeness to the high strangeness within.” ———————————————- Gerald J. Gaura 

Concerning the book To Earth From Heaven — “Astounding!!!  John Foster’s experiences and his conclusions are a must read for anybody whose interested in UFOs, spirituality, metaphysics, and the development of the human species and the universe. This book is not to be taken lightly as John uses logic and profound insight into the “why” of our existence. In a world of superficial and amoral mindset, it is refreshing to hear the new truth of the future and in essence, John brings new hope for our acceptance into the inter-dimensional, inter-galatical, and inter-spiritual community.”  ————————————– Mikes

“John Foster’s detailed memories of his experience span decades and reveal just how extensive and clandestine this anomalous presence in our society can be. While some are allowed to retain memories of the events, others are clearly prohibited to ensure select projects proceed in the manner they are intended.       ……..To continue to deny and ignore this agitating presence is to be complicit in perpetuating a false narrative. Experiencers like John provide compelling evidence that Humans are being surreptitiously influenced by an unknown agent.    …………In drawing attention and offering examples of how this enigma has inserted itself in his personal life, John exposes the hidden influence, the manner in which the others might present themselves and blend in to everyday events and activities without interference. He illustrates how easy it can be to manipulate the reality of those who are afraid to do the personal work of asking questions and investing more time on endeavors that broaden conscious awareness.   ………Whatever their ultimate role, we are challenged to become more self-aware. We are challenged to admit this influence is above anything known to our science. ………..It’s time to acknowledge and express our latent PSI abilities to know more and see more.  …………Thank you, John for all that you have endured and your continued efforts to bring this phenomena to light.”………….Wendy Garrett….Broadcast Journalist, Communications. Experiencer, Blogger, Interviewer, Podcast host, Channel, Intuitive.  https://wendyscoffeehouse.blogspot.com/

John Mack (now deceased), Phd, MD, Pulitzer Prize Winner, former professor of Harvard University, who was a renown psychiatrist, UFO researcher and world-wide lecturer invited John and another UFO “contactee” to be a part of his lectures to the University of Missouri Medical Center, to the University of Kansas Medical Center, and to the general public…all in Kansas City one weekend in the 1990s. They with others spent the weekend together, periodically discussing John’s personal UFO contacts among other things, a courtesy arranged by  Dr Fowler Jones. After a full day of conversation, John Mack told John Foster that he had no reason to believe he was in anyway psychotic or imaginative, that he believed John Foster’s interpretations of his own UFO encounters. They both, along with Fowler Jones were featured in a five day news cast series on Channel 4 TV of Kansas City.